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Why we might want to do Foot and Hand Reading

The benefits of foot and hand reading are fabulous.
You can help yourself and others when you know what the signs are and how to read them. You can be there for yourself and be more self-aware whilst taking practical care of yourself.
It is easier even to know and understand yourself more through knowing how to read your feet and hands. You can also be more helpful and supportive of your family and friends
When you can see and understand more then you can be kinder and more patient or tolerant.
If you see people's feet or hands in your work you can know more about others and make better decisions, anticipate more or offer support. You may choose to keep your distance or make alternative arrangements for yourself.
There are so many reasons why it is helpful to both yourself and others to know about Foot and Hand Reading and knowing how to interpret what the hands or feet are telling us.

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